hilda bernstein, rusty bernstein


DATE: 24 JUNE 2002

It was with sadness that we once more learnt of the passing away of one of the veterans and stalwarts of our liberation struggle, this time in the person of Rusty Bernstein.

The non-racial character of our struggle and of the society we are building today owes much to the efforts and contributions of persons like Rusty Bernstein. He made a deliberate and considered choice to forego what could have been a life of comfort and ease to join forces with his fellow South Africans in the fight for democracy and freedom.

Rusty Bernstein played a major role in the Communist Party of South Africa and the Congress of Democrats and he was one of our co-accused at the Rivonia Trial. He was a brave and committed comrade, a clear thinker and a person of whom we hold fond personal memories.

We think of Hilda and the children, and convey our sincerest condolences to them. We know that they shall take comfort from the fact that so many South Africans today mourn with them the passing away of a great patriot and freedom fighter.

Media release issued by the office of Mr Nelson Mandela
Enquiries: Justine Dangor Tel: +27 (0)11 728 1000